Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blogger App on my iPhone

I've had my iPad 2 for about 2 years now and my iPhone 4s for about a year and a half but I only recently downloaded the blogger app. I no longer have any excuse  for my blogging misgivings. I should be able to blog on the go now. It'll be my attitude towards writing that I have to deal with. I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to writing it becomes taxing no matter how much I love to express myself  this way. In my work as Editor in Chief of the Department newsletter I usually go through 4 drafts before any article I wrote becomes acceptable for public consumption. I have a long list of ideas I wanted to write about last year but due to time constraints, procrastination, and my neurosis it seems that all of those have become passè. I'm crossing my fingers that with the blogger app downloaded on my iPhone I'll be able to write more and let go of some personal reservations and just write. 

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